Dearest Supporters
We would like to thank you very much for your ongoing support of the work of this ministry. Some of you are anonymous supporters and we would like to thank you also. It brings great joy to our hearts to know that there are other souls out there, even anonymous ones, that take the work of truth to heart as you do. Through our Saviour, your prayers, and financial support, this ministry is reaching many souls abroad. Our prayer is that we, the supporters and the supported, may all meet together in the Heavenly Kingdom soon.
God bless each and every one of you in His service.

Please note that we no longer use PayPal because of the fees that they charge.
We prefer to receive your support directly by a bank to bank transfer, so please contact Restitution Ministries at info@acts321.org to find out our account details so you to support the ongoing work of spreading the everlasting gospel "to every nation, kindred, tongue and people" around the world.
May God bless your generosity.